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The Sueves - Tears Of Joy Review And Poster Design

So I was supposed to review this album when it came out earlier this year, honestly this record was a surprise for me that I found through following @total.rubbish and a pleasant one to say the least.⁣

This record shifts between new wave and old punk tones pretty well, I can’t for the life of me explain but take the intro track Diet Genetics. From this I’m getting vibes of an old wurtliser synth but it’s just the guitars but I'm getting an early Elvis Costello feel to it mixed with the harshness of The Rezillos.⁣

We get an anther of a summer rock and roll banger with the track “Mop Bucket”. It’s just a cruise or a song to listen to. ⁣

The album is an amazing listen if you’re looking out for anything new with a vintage vibe. Definitely do yourself a favour and check it out.⁣


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