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Glitterer- Plastic Review

Glitterer, initially a solo project by Ned Russin (of Title Fight), has evolved into a full band, announcing a new album titled "Rationale." This comes after the surprise EP "Fantasy Four" released last year, following four albums since Glitterer's inception in 2017.

Glitterer Is Now A Full Band

The full band lineup includes Nicole Dao on keyboard, Jonas Farah on drums, and Connor Morin on guitar. The upcoming album "Rationale" is produced by Arthur Rizk. The first single from the album, "Plastic," has already been released which you can find our review for below:

Glitterer- Plastic Review

Glitterer delivers a driven single that has this very accented pop performance drenched in a blues-driven guitar crossing the lines of a shoegaze track that’s seeing this evolution. You can tell that Glitterer is benefitting from being a full band with this track due keyboard that makes the track pop in the bridge.

Highly recommend this track if you’ve never checked out Glitterer the once solo project of Ned Russin has called for back up to deliver a comprehensive album and we’re excited to listen to them

Listen to Glitterer - Plastic.

You can listen to the track here:

Glitterer - Plastic Lyrics

What about

Something else

That makes it feel like I am fine


That's everything

Ends up in landfills over time

Take what's never yours

Feel myself adored

Find a sense of self importance

Take a little more

Glitterer - Plastic Lyrics Meaning

"Something else, that makes it feel like I am fine"

In this line, the speaker expresses a desire for something beyond the current situation, something that can bring comfort or contentment. The emphasis on feeling fine suggests a search for solace or fulfillment.

"Anything, that's everything, ends up in landfills over time"

This line appears to convey a sense of transience or impermanence. The speaker reflects on the ephemeral nature of things, emphasizing that even what seems to be everything eventually becomes discarded or loses its value over time. The mention of landfills could symbolize the accumulation of discarded or forgotten aspects of life.

"Take what's never yours, feel myself adored, find a sense of self-importance, take a little more"

This stanza suggests a more assertive or even selfish perspective. The idea of taking what's never yours may imply a willingness to seize opportunities or experiences that might not naturally belong to the individual. Feeling adored could be a way to compensate for a lack of genuine affirmation, and seeking a sense of self-importance might be a coping mechanism for building self-esteem. The concluding line, "take a little more," reinforces a theme of acquiring or grasping for additional elements, perhaps driven by a constant pursuit of satisfaction or fulfillment.

The lyrics appear to explore themes of seeking fulfilment, the impermanence of things, and a somewhat assertive or self-centered approach to navigating life. There's a sense of longing for something more, but also a recognition of the fleeting nature of experiences and possessions. The tone seems reflective, with a hint of introspection about the speaker's desires and actions.

The Inspiration behind Glitterers new album Rationale

Ned Russin draws inspiration from Martin Riker's novel "The Guest Lecture," particularly a quote about ideology and the assumptions people make about how to live.The quote “Ideology is all the assumptions you make about how to live, and you live so deeply inside these assumptions that it’s very difficult … to remember which parts of your reality are natural and inevitable, versus which parts are things people just made up.” The quote reflects the challenge of distinguishing between what is natural and inevitable in one's reality and what has been socially constructed.

Russin explains that the novel's themes deeply influenced his writing for "Rationale." The album explores the need to find pleasure and meaning in small, mundane things, touching on modern anxieties and frustrations associated with being human.

The lyrics of the album delve into these themes, reflecting on the complexities of navigating contemporary life.


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